
Push Notifications for Healthcare & Lifesciences

Promote medicine delivery, free consultation and treatment with simple push notifications

Smart web push notifications have totally transformed the healthcare industry. It has changed the way healthcare segments, including hospitals, pharmacies, emergency care and medical offices communicate, inform, and engage. Healthcare industry is leveraging this technology to its full potential.

Opportunities for Healthcare Sector

Built trust and stronger bonds with device-independent communication

Engagement & Re-targeting

Attract users with vital health information, special discounts, and seasonal offers. Send personalized messages on days specially dedicated to health care. Send them some tips on topics like, Things to avoid before medicine intake or deliver some Interesting Facts, preventive care and more. In this way, you can constantly engage your users.

Drive Acquisition

Web push notifications are very useful when it comes to increasing customer acquisition. It helps in acquiring new users by delivering a right message at a right time. Push notification with a benefit enhances the chances of engagement with your website.

Once the users visiting your site for the first-time clicks allow for the web push, you can easily alert, educate and inform them about your products. This constant relevant engagement encourages product purchases.


Retention is the other key area that cannot be neglected. They may buy medicine and completely forget about your online store. In some cases, users might have added medicines or other products to their shopping cart but might not have bought them. Lure such users with exciting offers and discounts.

However, before sending such notifications one must focus on factors like buying habits, location, and online store actions for better results.

Push Notification Campaigns for Healthcare Organisations

Appointment reminders or alerts

Healthcare providers like hospitals, dentists, or other medical centres deliver push notifications to remind patients about their appointment. These reminders are sent to lessen no-shows or last minute cancellations. Push messages can even be used for patient response, appointment confirmation or rescheduling.

Consultation & Medication Reminder

Healthcare providers like physicians and doctors can use web push notifications to

  1. Remind patients about the scheduled appointment.
  2. Remind them about their medication routines.
  3. Inform patients about their screening test results.
  4. Educate them about necessary precautions, chronic care or preventive measures, as per the conditions.

Delivery Status

Send a status notification to inform users about the delivery status of their products. State if the order is on its way, expect delivery date and time. These kinds of notifications help them keep a track the order.

Reach your customers even when they aren't browsing your website