5 Tips to Craft Creative Web Push Notifications

5 Tips to Craft Creative Web Push Notifications

Web browser push notifications are effective and engaging, but sometimes can be annoying if they interrupt users at a wrong time with the message of least interest. Delivering push notification to the website users with a random message is not enough. Brands and marketers must adopt a holistic approach for the maximum results.

All said and done, crafting clear, concise and precise notification that are interesting, informative, honest and occasionally humorous is an art. Crafting creative push notifications with subtle messages that entice users to click it takes many efforts than what we think.

Here are few tricks to craft messages for powerful engagement and higher conversion rates,

Understand your Target Audience

Before you head-start your push notification campaign, analyze your website visitors thoroughly. The information users really interact with, actions they take, products frequently visited and more. This would actually help you to understand their interest zones and allow you to craft push notification accordingly.

Addressing their interest would really help you to increase your website engagement, click-through, and conversion rate, eventually boosting your sales rate and revenue.

Be Crisp

Trigger push messages that are clear and crisp. Make it easy for customers to quickly read and easily understand your message that truly makes sense.

As web push notifications have character limits, it’s vital that you communicate crisply and smartly deliver the entire information or message. Do not leave user’s wondering, what it really means? Apart from that clearly state the action that the user needs to take. For example, draft notifications with a clear-cut call to action like “Read Now”, “Buy Now”, “Play” or “Grab it”.

Be Transparent

Transparency is what customers expect from every brand. They expect brands to be clear and not hide things they might want to hear. Sending messages with complete information. Transparent messages are the best ways to gain trust and develop loyal followers and customers for your brand.

Know your Limits

How many push notification one must really trigger depends on a lot of factors. In real-life, no-one really likes the same message to be delivered again and again. This could annoy them and also push them to unsubscribe. So, send push notifications cleverly and sparingly.

If you have a rich, entertaining, informative or even funny content then you can deliver frequent push notifications that really entices users to take actions. Generate some curiosity and give your users a reason to click every push notification you send.

Check how often different businesses can deliver push notifications to their subscribers,


Three to four times in a day, depending on the nature of the news, content or information you wish to deliver. Keep in mind, relevancy of the content is really vital.


Once a day is more than enough for the gaming industry. The most key thing is to get the timings right. AAnalyzewhen the users play the game, at what time?

Health & Fitness

3-4 times a week. Here the quantity of push notifications you send depends on the type of Health and fitness information you are sending. If you're delivery a daily fitness tip or programme then delivering reminders daily are acceptable. Play it cool and be careful that you don’t overdo it.

Timing is really, really critical

Always trigger push notifications based on the user time zones. People really don’t like to be bugged and woken up early in the morning at 5. No matter how funny, creative, or informative the push message is. Triggering a perfectly-timed push messages can make a huge difference to your users’ experience and the success of your campaigns.


Reach your customers even when they aren't browsing your website