Previously, we discussed the importance of web push in customer engagement and retention. We have also talked on proven techniques to use them. But, what about the right frequency? How many push notifications one must send to their customers without forcing them to unsubscribe from receiving alerts.
No doubt, more than 50% customers find web browser push notification useful and readily give their permission to the website they would like to hear from. Even though a website has quality and interesting content, triggering too many can highlight your website as pushy and desperate.
So, in this article, we will cover exactly how many push notifications you must send and when.
When we speak of push notifications, the frequency may vary as per the brand or nature of the business. For example, if you have a content website, the triggering frequency must be 3-4 relevant push notifications in a day. For other niche industries, one or max two push notifications is the best way to remind and engage web users.
Understand your Customers?
Recent research reveals that an average person receives more than 50 Alerts a day. Hence, most marketers are under the wrong impression that a high number of push notifications equals to maximum reach and exposure. Not true, the real threat is that we are on the track that could render this highly useful tool ineffective. This could reverse the time on engagement.
Pitfalls of overdoing
Sending multiple push notifications can enhance your page views, but won’t boost your business sales. It could also result in high bounce rates. Moreover, this may annoy your users and even worse may reduce interest in the products and services you offer.
When marketers discovered push notifications they were overawed by the potential of push notifications. It proved to be a surprise and shock for them. Now many brands have adopted the technology to provoke users to engage and take desired actions.
But, most marketers have gone too far with it. Too many of them are overusing it by thoughtlessly bombarding users with generic alerts. Coupon apps, food delivery, and news websites are some of the biggest culprits of overusing push notifications. Bombarding users with offers, breaking news and coupons have not served their purpose. Now, these businesses have learned their lesson the hard way and are approaching it in a conservative manner.
There is nothing wrong in this, marketers just have to be a touch careful and be more responsible while using web push as most of them are still learning the art of using them in the right way.
When engaging users with web browser notifications, just keep these rules in mind. They’ll help you deliver relevant alerts and not annoy and interrupt users that could hurt your business in the long run,
- Think from users’ point of view
- Deliver Relevant, Important content only
- Communicate on personal level
- Segment users based on their interest, location, and age etc.
Timing of web browser push is critical
After reviewing 100 million push notifications, Loyalytics had concluded that the best time to trigger push notification is 10AM-1PM, with average click rate as high as 15%. However, even if this is true, the best thing is to test your push notifications. Send them at different intervals to check which time slot gains maximum engagement.
All the best, start engaging, communicating and converting web users in a highly effective manner with the help of points mentioned above. If you wish to change your push notification provider, then check our demo at pushassist.com