Industries that must use Browser Push Notifications

Industries that must use Browser Push Notifications

Browser push notifications are actionable, extremely lightweight notifications that can be used by all the business bosses with a digital presence. This tool can be used to promote products and services for broader reach across all platforms. It is supported by browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Push notifications from PushAssist also work on Android and iOS platform. So send messages to seamlessly communicate with browser users on mobile and desktop.

Users can now also leverage analytics to improve the performance of their notification. Target and personalize notifications as per the user actions to generate more business revenue. Here are the business segments that must harness the power of web/ browser push notifications

  • Ecommerce Stores
  • Travel & Hospitality
  • Fashion
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Gaming
  • Retail
  • News & Publishing

Reach your customers even when they aren't browsing your website